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The Malba Project: Deconstructing C & D waste with Shamita Chaudhary

Tiny Farm Friends Ep.03

Built environments over the life cycle, operational and embodied energy is estimated to account for more than 50% of resource consumption globally, over 50% of solid waste production, and over 40% of carbon dioxide emission. If you refer to the indicator graphs the trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration by Steffen et al, one cannot miss seeing the exponential rise in population, GDP growth, paper production, fertilizer production, water usage, dam constructions, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. from the 1950s to the present day. We cannot just blame the rise in population since the per capita consumption and extraction of materials have risen exponentially.

Will Steffen, Wendy Broadgate, Lisa Deutsch, Owen Gaffney and Cornelia Ludwig; 2015 Anthropocene Review Based on Steffen et al. (2004) Global Change and the Earth System If you live in a developing country, you must have encountered construction debris strewn across the walkways. Construction debris or Malba is just piling up and has become an eyesore. India recycles just one percent of its construction and demolition (C&D) waste, a new report released by Delhi-based non-profit, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE). What happens to the rest?

Our guest today, Shamita Chaudhary, answers this question. Shamita is a circular economy expert and the CEO and founder of the Malba Project. Through Malba Project, she strives to bring attention to the construction waste stream, and enable the transition to a circular construction sector in India. Her Malba Project journey started in 2018 on a trip to Manali, where heaps of demolition debris strewn across the natural landscape made her re-think her professional choices.

"As designers and architects, we need to think about how is the building going to be taken apart at the end of its life."

In this conversation, we cover C & D waste management, reasons for demolishing healthy buildings, the Malba Project, circular economy, and the role of designers in making the construction sector more circular. May this extraordinary woman inspire you to think more about what you buy as consumers, what goes into building your house and how is it going to be taken apart at the end of its life. You could reach out and collaborate with The Malba Project using the following links. Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Blog: Email:



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